Learn to Play Bridge in Five Easy Lessons

Learn to Play Bridge and Solve Puzzles

“Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to make something simple.” (Sir Richard Branson) _______________________________________

“Your website is the best one I have found for learning bridge.” Comment from a reader from California.

Learning and playing bridge is an excellent way to keep our minds active. This website has all the lessons you need to learn the basics of bridge.

ATeacherFirst helps new bridge players learn the game using easy, simple steps. Here you will find five lessons to start, another five lessons to progress further, and other resources for future learning and helping others learn.

Before I learned to play bridge, I was a teacher for many years. Then I became a teacher of bridge. I was, and always will be, a teacher first. Hence the name for this website. My lessons are highly acclaimed by my readers and students. I continually receive comments thanking me and telling me how pleased new bridge players are to have found my website. I believe this is because my teaching methods are based on best practices which I have acquired over many years of experience helping students learn any subject, not just bridge. I base my lessons on structured, step-by-step learning using visual aids whenever possible. Over many years of experience in classrooms observing students learn, I have been able to identify where they can encounter the most difficulties. I have applied my own knowledge of teaching to make my lessons clearer and easier to understand, especially for those who are not familiar with bridge concepts. Perhaps you might notice that, when I show examples, I show realistic cards. I do not show the hands as symbols, as they do in almost all bridge textbooks and magazines. It’s easier for players to learn when they see their hands as they would when playing with a real deck of cards. There are some concepts that will not be well understood until learners have had experience playing the game. That’s why it’s important for them to play bridge as often as possible. I strive to help beginners learn the basic rules but, what is more important, I try to show them how to apply the rules using logic while developing their analytical and problem-solving skills. I have included much repetition and applied practice into my quizzes because I know that helps students learn faster and remember it longer! I strive to be: Simply, the best! ********************************************************** For topics and lessons, click on the menu bar. This website has lessons and helpful hints on Mah Jongg, Sudoku and Cryptic Crosswords, too. You are welcome to copy, print, and share the documents on my website with others. However, please make sure the website’s name, “ATeacherFirst.com,” is kept on the documents so the source is credited. _________________________________________________________________________